Nemirc's Dynamic summer dress for V4 A dynamic dress for Victoria 4. Includes 5 sets of textures (3 clothing textures, and 2 lace textures). All of the content in this package was created by nem (copyright july 3 2011) ------------------------------------------- Requeriments: Poser, Victoria 4. ------------------------------------------- Installation: Unzip in your poser ROOT folder. The dress is a smart prop found in "Nemirc Store\Dynamic dress," the materials are in the materials library "Nemirc\dynamic dress v4). Notes: The dress is a smart prop converted to clothing. Follow the instructions in the Poser manual to know how to use cloth objects. The dress should have Victoria's body as collision object (additional collisions objects are very dependent on your scene), and the collision offset setting should be set to something between 0.15 and 0.2 (closest to 0.2 should be used only if body parts go through the dress). If parts of the body go through the cloth, increase the amount of steps per frame before trying to increase the collision offset. When using Dynamic clothing, IK on the figure that will be wearing the clothing needs to be turned off. None of the packages contained here have been tested with Daz Studio. ------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for the purchase. (c) nemirc ------------------------------------------- FILELIST: ..\runtime\libraries\materials\nemirc\Dynamic Dress V4\ green-blue.mc6 green-blue.png lace 1.mc6 lace 1.png lace 2.mc6 lace 2.png red-purple.mc6 red-purple.png red.mc6 red.png ..\runtime\libraries\props\Nemirc Store\Dynamic dress\ V4 Dress 1.png V4 Dress 1.pp2 ..\runtime\textures\Nemirc Store\v4_dynamicdress1\ dress1.jpg dress2.jpg dress3.jpg lacedress1.jpg lacedress1_trans.jpg lacedress2.jpg lacedress2_trans.jpg ..\ EndUserLicense.txt nem_dyndress1.txt (this text file) --------------------------------------------