Asian-Styled Living Room 07/19/15 by Richabri (Rick Bridenbaker) [email removed] =============================================================================== Thank you for purchasing the Asian-Styled Living Room set! All of this product's content was created by Richabri. =============================================================================== Description: =============================================================================== The AS-LivingRoom is a set of thirteen props replicating a modern, Asian-styled living room setting. An intimate setting complete with everything you'll need to set up a living room scene including furniture and accent pieces. The AS-LivingRoom comes with separate ceiling and wall props to make it easy to set up your scenes. The set features natural and expressive Asian-styled texturing. The AS-LivingRoom also includes a PZ3 file that will load in the set with all of the props and a default lighting scheme. Light-weight and functional the AS-Living Room set will accommodate any of your intimate living room scenes. You will need Poser 5 (or higher) or Daz Studio to use this set. =============================================================================== The AS-LivingRoom includes the following Poser ready props: Props (PP2): ========================= !!ASLR-Preload !Ceiling !Floor !Wall-Back !Wall-Front !Wall-Side Bowl C-Table Pillow Planter Seat Sofa T-Mat =============================================================================== Everything comes as Poser ready props that can be loaded from the content palette under the Props section. The AS-LivingRoom also comes with all of the texture templates to allow you to give the props a custom look of your own design. =============================================================================== Notes: =============================================================================== LIGHTING: =============================================================================== The lighting rig uses four lights with the only spot light (Main) having the ability to create shadows and the other three infinite lights providing fill and accent lighting. This lighting preset are provided to give a general illumination of this set. It should be adequate for most scenes but I highly recommend adjusting it for any specific scenes you may create if you choose to use it. ====================================================== INSTALLATION: ====================================================== Unzip the archive ( to the root folder wherever you installed Poser: (i.e., C:\Program Files\Smith Micro\Poser 8). The files will decompress to the following folders: /Documentation AS-LivingRm.txt License.Txt /Runtime /Geometries /Richabri /AS-LivingRoom aslr-bowl.obj aslr-bwall.obj aslr-c_table.obj aslr-ceil.obj aslr-door.obj aslr-floor.obj aslr-fwall.obj aslr-pillow.obj aslr-planter.obj aslr-seat.obj aslr-sofa.obj aslr-swall.obj aslr-t_mat.obj /Libraries /Light /AS-LivingRoom Default Lighting.lt2 Default Lighting.png /Props /AS-LivingRoom !!ASLR-Preload.png !!ASLR-Preload.pp2 !Ceiling.png !Ceiling.pp2 !Floor.png !Floor.pp2 !Wall-Back.png !Wall-Back.pp2 !Wall-Front.png !Wall-Front.pp2 !Wall-Side.png !Wall-Side.pp2 Bowl.png Bowl.pp2 C-Table.png C-Table.pp2 Pillow.png Pillow.pp2 Planter.png Planter.pp2 Seat.png Seat.pp2 Sofa.png Sofa.pp2 T-Mat.png T-Mat.pp2 /Textures /Richabri /AS-LivingRoom aslr-g_ref.JPG aslr-mref.jpg aslr-pvc2.jpg aslr_b-wall.jpg aslr_bowl.jpg aslr_c-table.jpg aslr_ceil.jpg aslr_door.jpg aslr_f-plant.jpg aslr_f-wall.jpg aslr_floor.jpg aslr_pillow.jpg aslr_s-wall.jpg aslr_seat.jpg aslr_sofa.jpg aslr_t-mat.jpg /Template /AS-LivingRoom AS-LivingRoom_Templates.txt aslr_b-wallT.jpg aslr_bowlT.jpg aslr_c-tableT.jpg aslr_ceilT.jpg aslr_doorT.jpg aslr_f-plantT.jpg aslr_f-wallT.jpg aslr_floorT.jpg aslr_pillowT.jpg aslr_s-wallT.jpg aslr_seatT.jpg aslr_sofaT.jpg aslr_t-matT.jpg /!AS-LivingRoom PZ3 File AS-LivingRoom.pz3 ============================================================================= The AS-LivingRoom props should already be appropriately scaled for Daz's Mil characters. Some adjustments may be necessary to account for different body morphs. If you have any difficulties with the installation or use of these props or poses please email me with a description of your problem and I will respond promptly. Happy Rendering !!!! Rick: [email removed]