Thank you for puchasing the LABWORKS Pack 2: "Open Lab Facility" from Davo The LABWORKS is an exciting new product from Davo that features clean, sterile medical facilities and equipment for your modern laboratory scenes and renders. The package is very large, so it has been broken down into 5 major componants: Pack 1 features basic chemistry elements such as flasks, beakers, jars, etc. Pack 2 features an open lab room/facility with 2 access doors, command center desk and computer/data banks equipment. Pack 3 features a large array of smaller lab equipment such as computers, microscope, desks, desktop analysers, centrifuge, xray stand, etc. Pack 4 features an ultra modern circular confined lab with isolation chamber, life pod, medical tools and more. Pack 5 features a large array of larger lab equipment including an isolation booth, large analyser, electron microscope and more. All packages feature ray-trace reflection properties built into the material zones for a clean and sterile look and feel. This is a truely fine looking set of packages and will work perfectly for your medical and industrial laboratory needs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - PC and Mac compatible (obj, jpg, cr2 format) - Requires Poser 5+. Has not been tested in DazStudio, but should work in DS with minor adjustments to texture material zones. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To install, open the zip file and extract the contents (make sure "use folders" option is checked) to the location of your poser.exe file. For example: c:/program files/curious labs/poser 5 Do not include "runtime" in the extraction path, it is already specified in the zip file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The files will be extracted to: Figures/Characters library: LABWORKS/ OPEN LAB (this contains Lab room and corridor items) LABWORKS/ OPEN LAB / ROOM EQUIPMENT (this contains chairs, tables, table, computer equipment, etc.) Pose library: LABWORKS/ (this contains basic sitting pose for V4 and M4 for the chair and stool) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Figure descriptions: Corridor Cap: This caps the end of the corridor. Corridor Module: This fits in the shape of the doors for the lab room. You can stack several end to end to make it longer, or cap it. All walls and ceiling can be moved out of view for good camera shots. Lab Room: Large lab room with 2 posable doors at each end. One of the doors has a cap (located just below the floor) that can be moved up to cover the doorway so it isn't seen. All walls, ceiling and light module can be moved out of view for good camera and viewing angles. Note: There are 2 versions of the open lab, one with shadow casting and one without. The non-shadow casting version allows light to pass throught the walls and ceiling without casting a shadow. This is helpful if you are not experienced with ligthing in poser. Xtra Floor: This is an extra floor plane so you can extend your camera view out a little without having the main floor suddenly dissappear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Room Equipment descriptions: Chair: Basic lab chair with high back. The seat swivels and back can recline. (basic pose for M4 and V4 included) Console Set: This is a re-arrangable console set with center, left and right control pads, buttons and switches. You can move things around to better suit you. There is a central, non-rendering, wire-frame displayed sphere just below the central pad that can be used to move all the items around. All the items in the console set also come as stand alones that can be used anywhere. You can use several console sets on the workstation table. Databanks 1 - 5: These are large data storage/computer consoles. Some have moving parts such as handles and doors. You can use these to populate a scene. The floor plad is good for staging the consoles on top of. Floor Pad: This is a floor pad with floor runner lights. You can place the Databanks on them. Glass Wall: This is a glass partition wall with running lights. Stool: Small, posable stool. (basic pose for M4 and V4 included) Workstation Table: This is a large, adjustable height table with a transparent central screen that can be moved up and down. The screen is ambient lit to glow in a dimly lit scene. You can move the screen out of view if prefered. You can place several console sets on the table for a large workstation look and feel. Xtra Consoles 1 - 8: These are stand alone modules from the Console Set. Some of these items have moving parts. Place these anywhere. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This package is pack 2 of several LABWORKS packages which include: Pack 1: Chemistry Equipment Pack 2: Open Lab Pack 3: Small Equipment Set Pack 4: Confined Lab Pack 5: Large Equipment Set For more information, you may make an inquirey to Davo at: [email removed] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks again for your puchase, Davo / Davorama